Is Rolfing® Painful?

“Isn’t Rolfing® when they tear the muscle off the bone?

Everything in the body is interconnected through a remarkable system of tissue known as fascia. This intricate web encompasses muscle fibers, arteries, veins, nerves, and even memories. Memories, not only of injuries but also of our movements, posture, and emotions. Positive emotions can evoke feelings of openness, height, and confidence, while "negative" emotions may lead to a sense of smallness, weakness, and depression.

As we delve into this fascial network and encourage the release of past memories, resistance may arise. In the hands of an experienced Rolfer or bodyworker, this resistance is acknowledged before reaching the point of intense pain, described as feeling like muscles are being pulled from the bone—a sensation I personally experienced during my school years and beyond.

Back then, I lacked the knowledge and wisdom to make the work less uncomfortable. Despite my reluctance to inflict pain, the nature of my approach resulted in discomfort. Fast forward 13 years, armed with more education, insights, and self-work, I've gained a deeper understanding of what lies within the fascia and refined my techniques for more efficient release.

This evolution is one reason I ceased offering the work. I didn't want clients expecting pain and feeling disappointed if it didn't seem like traditional Rolfing. The work I do now, although different, aims to achieve the same results through:

  1. Muscle testing to pinpoint areas requiring attention.

  2. Nerve release to calm targeted areas, allowing for deeper work without increasing perceived intensity.

  3. Calming the limbic system to help clients transition out of fight or flight mode.

  4. Cranial and brain work to reset the nervous system for lasting changes.

  5. EFT or Tapping to help the client talk to their subconscious facilitating change.

  6. Guided visualization to aid in resetting the nervous system and subconscious mind into positive patterns.

  7. Clearing genetic traits learned through generations, both in utero and during childhood.

The effectiveness of these methods varies depending on each individual's energetic system and its openness to the insights I receive.

When you're ready to experience improved alignment, comfort in your body, confidence, and happiness—whether in sports, writing, parenthood, or beyond—consider signing up for a Rolfing series. Ten sessions have the potential to profoundly change your life.

Not in Gardnerville, Minden, or the Tahoe Basin. This work can also be achieved through zoom. You will be better.


How to take care of yourself daily.